Selling your digital products can be hard.
You work days, weeks, or even months to get your products built.
- You put it on a sales page.
- You configure payment processing.
- You send out a broadcast email to your list announcing the sale.
And you still get crickets…
What gives?
You’re probably not giving your audience enough of an enticing offer. What exactly do I mean by this?
How to increase the sale of your products
Do you know why companies run sales?
Sure – there are the times when they actually want to get rid of the entire inventory of “last year’s model” and they do so by offering discounts. But what about digital products or evergreen products (products that stand the test-of-time). These products seem to be sold on sale quite often, no?
Generally, online entrepreneurs and marketers want to offer sales of products because that’s the price they wanted to get all along.
Think about it…
You’ve had your eye on product “X” for quite some time now. It costs $100 (just for easy numbers). For you in this scenario, $100 is a lot of money.
What if it was offered for $50. There’s a strong possibility that you would buy it wouldn’t you?
Not necessarily…
You see, if the product was offered at $50 and left at that, it would barely increase the chances that you would actually buy it.
Why is that?
Because there is no urgency.
Add urgency to make more sales
If you actually want to make more sales, you need to create urgency with your products.
What is that?
Really – it’s just a timeframe that the $50 sale is happening. Think about the holidays“Get a new Mercedes-Benz for $5,000 off MSRP now through the end of December.”
The “…through the end of December.” is the most important part here. Not the discount.
How you can apply urgency marketing (and leave it on autopilot)
Seeing as you’re an exclusive member of the premium tribeloyal newsletter, you already have access to all of the courses within tribeloyal – University. Within the “How to Build a Money-Making Blog Course” you have access to a walkthrough that shows you exactly how to create an automated urgency marketing campaign using your Thrivethemes site builder.
What this allows you to do, is it allows for a site visitor to enter your site.
- After they enter, they are greeted with a call to action.
- When they take action on that call to action (that’s a weird sentence), they are sent into a funnel where a “tripwire” takes place.
- Think of a tripwire as a series of automations that take place that causes the urgency campaign to take hold.
- Now, after the tripwire is enacted, the potential buyer is set with a binary decision (can go one of two ways). They either take you up on the sale in front of them, or they lose out on the opportunity all together.
Now this works great for both you as well as the customer.
Because you know as well as anyone what you’re working on, building, and talking about.
You’re the expert – remember?
You know that what you have can change the lives of the people looking for it. You know this will help people solve their problems. You just have to give people the incentive to take action.
Plus – you’re providing this solution for a discount.
Again – everyone wins!
If you are not – you can upgrade your access for free!